ERPfixers Blog Series

XBP - External Interface For Background Processing

XBP - stands for External Interface for Background Processing. It is used to enable external entity/system to schedule, start and monitor jobs inside SAP. In XBP, we have many RFC enabled function modules (provided by SAP) which can help external systems to control various background activities in job (like create, modify, delete, start, terminate, monitor etc. inside SAP).

How To Show a Standard Cost Component on a Single Level

We use report S_P99_41000111 for displaying cost components for multiple materials. However we are looking for the cost component costs incurred on the material itself, and not from the lower level materials. For example, we have a finished product with a cost component called Freight. The value in this cost component is $20. However, $15 of this freight came from the source material in a different plant. We therefore only want $5 to show in this report.