Table Name Where Data is Stored

For the purpose of writing technical specifications on customer developments, you must know the table names where master or transaction data is stored.

How do you get tables names?

Method 1

Press F1 on screen field


You want to know the table name for customer record.

Run transaction FB03 «Display FI document» and press F1 KEY on field “Customer”:

SAP Table Name Where Data is Stored

The following screen will open:

Here we press icon “Technical information”  and will see next screen:

As you see, table name for customer record is KNA1 and customer number field is KUNNR.

SAP Table Names


Method 2

Database trace log

When the first method not working, you can use more complex way – transaction ST05.

This transaction can log all SQL commands that performed during your activity.


You run transaction ST05 with following options and press “Activate Trace”:

SAP Table Names Help

In another session you run transaction FD03 and enter customer number

SAP Table Names Tips

then press ENTER or 

SAP Help Check

The customer muster record screen will opened:

SAP Screenshot

And now you switch back to session with transaction ST05 and press button “Deactivate trace” and then press button «Display trace»:

SAP Performance Trace

On the next screen you must press “Run” button (F8):

SAP Filter Condition

And you will see all database operations during FD03 transaction run, including reading table KNA1 with Customer number 10300097:

SAP Filter Conditions


Method 3

 Google Search

 In our example we run search with key words “customer master data table name in sap”.


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