Ask a Fixer: Business Intelligence and Analytics for Decision Making

Ask a Fixer


Start: Wednesday, June 27th, 2018 12:00 PM (CT), 1:00 PM (ET), 11:00 AM (MT), 10:00 AM (PT)

Start: Wednesday, June 27th, 2018 1:00 PM (CT), 2:00 PM (ET), 12:00 PM (MT), 11:00 AM (PT)

Volatility and complexity are the new normal. Most companies are far from where they want and need to be when it comes to implementing analytics and are still relying on gut feeling, rather than hard data, when making decisions. What is needed today is the seamless integration of managerial methodologies. Analytics with statistics, including regression and correlation analysis, provide organizations with insights to make better decisions and take actions.Business intelligence (BI) reporting consumes stored data that is transformed into information. Business analytics produces new information from the transformed information. There is a common misconception that equates business intelligence (BI) technologies, such as query and reporting techniques, with advanced analytics like data mining and forecasting. But in practice experienced analysts don’t use BI like searching for a diamond in a coal mine and flogging the data until it confesses with the truth. Analysts require easy and flexible access and manipulation of data and software to support their investigation and discovery.This presentation by Gary Cokins, a leading practitioner and author will cover:

  • Learning why business analytics and leveraging Big Data provide a competitive advantage.
  • Understanding the difference between business intelligence (BI) and business analytics.
  • How to imbed statistics and analytics into enterprise performance management (EPM) methods.
  • How to differentiate forecasting from predictive modeling.
  • Learning alternative approaches to accelerating the adoption rate of business analytics.

Gary Cokins
, President, Analytics-Based Performance Management LLC

Paul Ovigele, FI/CO Expert, ERPfixers


Ask a Fixer is a live ASUG-hosted Q&A session with one of ERPfixers’ top-rated SAP experts (“Fixers”) in a specific module or topic. In this real-time discussion session, you have the opportunity to pose your specific questions to a Fixer, who will provide an immediate answer during the forum. This is a great way to get quick answers to your pressing issues, as well as learn from questions posted by other users during the forum.

If you cannot attend: The webcast will be recorded. The link to the recording will be posted here and emailed to all registrants.