Ask A Fixer: FIN REVENUE RECOGNITION - With the Deadline Looming, Are You Ready?


Start: Thursday, September 21st, 2017 12:45 PM (CT), 1:45 PM (ET), 11:45 AM (MT), 10:45 AM (PT)

End: Thursday, September 21st, 2017 1:45 PM (CT), 2:45 PM (ET), 12:45 PM (MT), 11:45 AM (PT)

The FASB and IASB have released new accounting standards around revenue recognition which take effect January 1, 2018 for public companies and January 1, 2019 for private companies. Are you ready for the reporting disclosures for correctly reporting revenue according to these new revenue recognition standards? Attend this webcast and live Q&A with Kent Bettisworth, CEO and Executive Consultant, Bettisworth Associates, to learn more about the following:

  • The disclosures that are required for new revenue recognition standards.

  • The tools that are available in SAP to use to address these financial disclosures.

  • The best way to respond to the SEC quarterly report requirement to address what you are doing to adopt the new standard.

  • The involvement of your legal department in reviewing contracts relating to material rights?


Kent Bettisworth, CEO and Executive Consultant, Bettisworth Associates



Ask a Fixer is a live ASUG-hosted Q&A session with one of ERPfixers’ top-rated SAP experts (“Fixers”) in a specific module or topic. In this real-time discussion session, you have the opportunity to pose your specific questions to a Fixer, who will provide an immediate answer during the forum. This is a great way to get quick answers to your pressing issues, as well as learn from questions posted by other users during the forum.

If you cannot attend: The webcast will be recorded. The link to the recording will be posted here and emailed to all registrants.