ERPfixers New Look & Feel

New SAP Experts

We are pleased to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website! Starting with you in mind we’ve focused on making the site easier, more interactive and providing greater supporting resources.

The new website features include:

  • Improved navigation with quick links

  • Fully responsive design, suitabled for all devices and screen sizes of your choosing

  • Sleek new Member/Fixer work flow

  • New blog layout and content

Of course, the launch of our new site is just the starting point. We will be continue to improve the content, features and resources available in the near and distant future. Including a smoother user experience on the back end. We hope you’ll take this as an invitation to poke around the site, explore, and leave feedback.

Enjoy our new website, and please sign up for ERPfixers newsletter to receive SAP industry updates and ERPfixers tips and tricks! 

(check out what is included in ERPfixers Blog and Newsletter)



We’re excited to have an updated space to share with you!


-ERPfixers Team